Sunday, December 21, 2008
Come to think of it, I actually feel blogs are scary. Personal journals or diaries are safer and more personal , but I somehow still prefer blogging. Guess I'm just weird. Or. Perhaps because of my handwriting?
Let me talk about blogs first. I was just blog surfing few weeks ago when I came across a few blogs linking me yet I don't know them! Scary! To those who have linked me but I never link you, do tag me and give me your url links. Thank you!
Diaires(or personal journals) are handwritten. And I, for one, don't quite like my handwriting. It's not consistent and I still have yet to perfect it. It's not even nice, to start with. That's one reason why I don't own one(well, I used to back in primary and early secondary days). Maybe I should start doing both since I have empty books(notebooks) to spare. This way, I can improve my handwriting too.
There's so many things I want to say, but I just don't know where to start. I don't feel myself. I feel weird, confused. And I'm still trying to accept myself a little bit more each day, but it's hard. I'm definitely not at peace with myself. Don't know when the day will come. I hate all these struggling. And I definitely do not like hypocrites. People who say one thing then does the other. Or people who have two sides to themselves - those that are nice to you in front of you and then turn 360 degrees behind your back, backstabs you or something. Why can't the world just be a better place? Why is there wars, discriminations, etc? Nothing's perfect, ONLY GOD. So all I can do is to pray that GOD will help me to be at peace with myself, guide me to be a better person and do well in studies.
I feel better now. Back to listening to RUI EN songs to keep me going on in life. :)
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
12:10 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hmm. I went out with Er Mei(Wb) and San Mei(Mich). And Kaileng joined us later on. I was late meeting Er Mei and San Mei. Met them outside MOS at Taka. I've been late this few times I meet them, and I don't know why cuz I'm usually early or on time.
Anyways. The 3 of us then went over to Mcdonalds to slack our time there. Mich and Wb bought their meal and had a super early dinner. Mich bought Mcspicy meal and it was hilarious. Wb took Mich's meal back to the table as Mich went to buy milkshake at another counter towards outside of Mcdonalds. And here's the funny part. Mich came back with another McSpicy meal as the counter person called for her to tell her that her meal's there. And when she came back, there was 3 meals! LOL!
We slacked at Mcdonalds till about 5pm then we decided to search for a present for DEAREST RUI EN. While walking over to Far East Plaza, something extremely funny happened. We were like walking pass a group of people promoting for a christmas event thingy, and I was like speaking in chinese and this lady was like "你会讲华语的啊?" then Mich and Wb laughed hysterically. Hahahahah. So we just stopped to listen to what she had to say. It's basically about some actual christmas meaning thingy. But, this wasn't the funniesty part. It was after the lady said "你会讲华语的啊?". Mich and Wb repiled: "Why ask same question as RUI EN?" So this lady, who coincidently likes RUI EN too, was like asking me, "You are RUI EN's da jie(or sister or something like that)?" And the 3 of us started laughing hysterically. Apparently what this lady and I heard was "RUI EN's da jie("or sister or something like that)?" I was wondering "Does she really support RUI EN? Doesn't she know that RUI EN is an only child?"
We laughed until like we're super mad that we can be admitted to Woodbridge Hospital(mental hospital). So freaking funny! How could you not know that RUI EN is an only child? Besides, I'm mixed blood, french and chinese. Does RUI EN even look like french mix with chinese type of person? And do I look older than RUI EN who is 27 this year(year 2008)? If yes, then I've really aged a lot. DANG! LOL! Truly fascinating.
Anyway, we went to Far East Plaza to look for DEAREST's present. We walked around Far East and looked at the THREE 77th street shops and finally bought something. Only the 4 of us knows. A secret to the rest! Hahah. But it's definitely something nice and "Thank you, Kaileng! For your opinion. A good opinion." ;)
Dinner time was approaching after buying the present. So we decided to head back to Taka's Yoshinoya for dinner. Well, it's my decision actually. Since Wb and Mich had their early dinner, and Kaileng(DA JIE DA!) and I are both on budget(we ain't rich). Hahaha. And the other two just looked at us eat and slack at the same time. After that the 2 younger ones went back first while DA JIE DA and I continued to hang out.
Kaileng and I went to Far East Plaza as she wanted to buy something that caught her eye earlier on. When we reached there, she saw her friend. After that, we proceeded to get her stuff then she called her friend and we met up with two. We went to Ya Kun Kaya Toast at Level 1 first before heading to the fountain at Level 2 to sit as it was closing time. We chatted til 11 ish when the lights were starting to go off then we headed to Orchard Mrt Station to head home. I reached home just a little after midnight. I really enjoyed the chat. Hope to meet up with DA JIE DA and her two friends again to continue with the chatting. :)
That's all for now. Gonna surf the net a little while more before sleeping. Have to wake up by 11am as parents and I will be going to Goodwood Park Hotel for our family lunch. :D
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
12:27 AM
Monday, December 15, 2008
Reading the interview with RUI EN on LIFE! today on Straits Times has really made me understand her more. And there are more common things between us. We need to accept ourselves a little bit more as we get older.
I ain't 100% accepted myself, but I am trying very hard to reach that 100%. I always feel like an outsider looking in, be it at home or outside. Except when I'm with my very good friends, which is less than 10. You don't need to have a group of very good friends/best friends/close friends, just a few will do. Because not all of them will stick thru thick and thin with you until you grow old, only a handful. What RUI EN said in the whole article is so very true.
Now. I have more quotes from RUI EN that really gets to me.
- "Many people say no when asked if they would change anything about their lives. Well, I would change the first 24 years of my life." (For me of course, it wouldn't be first 24 years of my life as I'm not that age yet, though I feel more like her age).
- "I used to be really angsty. That's the thing I like about getting older. You accept yourself a little bit more. I used to hate myself." (Well, I still hate myself, but not as much. And I gotta learn to accept myself a little bit more each day).
- "I was looking for ways to fill the emptiness that I felt." (People are always looking for ways to fill the emptiness in them, including me).
- ["I didn't want to be a victim anymore. I didn't want to use my broken family as an excuse for my bad behaviour anymore. I had to grow up." -> So she quit smoking and drinking. She quit wanting to be famous and popular. And most significantly for her career, she quit doing kissing and intimate scenes.] (Taken from the article, well actually, all of the quotes are. This was the time around 2004, therefore, since then no more kissing and intimate scenes were seen in her characters. And the result of that decision is that her opportunities now are very much limited, because generally, such kissing scenes are required.) < -> (Nevertheless, she will have us, ardent fans and supporters of hers. I know there are fans of hers, me included, who still hope for that slight possibility of just a kissing scene that is more than a peck on the cheeks or lips, but whatever her decision, we'll still support her. As for me, I still smoke and drink, BUT OCCASIONALLY).
- "I don't understand why people are fearful of being alone. I love being alone." (One more thing in common between us. Just that there are times I don't want to be alone, but very seldom. I'm actually alone most of the time, like 90% of the time when I'm home).
- Also, she seems to have a fear of relationships. Currently single, she says she regrets all the romantic relationships she had till now and admits she might never get married.
"My mother is quite upset and has said to me, 'Please don't use us as an example'. But when you grow up in that environment, you become careful. I would rather not put my welfare or my fate in the hands of somebody else."
Then why did she do this heart-to-heart interview, which certainly requires a great amount of trust?
"I am hoping that kids who read this might realize that no matter how bad your family situation is, you have a choice not to be a victim," she says. (I, for one, am trying not to be a victim, though my situation is somewhat different from hers. I don't know my dad, but saw a pic of him before. It's ok to ask me about my dad, though I don't know him. And you don't have to apologize when I say I don't have a dad, because I simply don't know him).
Ok. Maybe I wrote a little too much. But this is what I feel. I just had to let it out. Plus, I haven;t been blogging about my personal life. But, this is my blog and I'll blog what I want. How personal? Well, up to me. That's all for now! :)
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
2:14 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
YOU JI (游记) by RUI EN (瑞恩)最近烦恼像雨不停滴在头上
Zui jin fan nao xiang yu bu ting di zai tou shang
要遮也遮不住 想换一换风景散心
Yao zhe ye zhe bu zhu Xiang huan yi huan feng jing san xin
忙着收拾行李 我的DI DA DI DA 心
Mang zhe shou shi xing li Wo de DI DA DI DA xin
Yi lu xiang zhe mei hao le yuan fei xing
登记心情 忧愁留在这机场 不过海关
Deng ji xin qing You chou liu zai zhe ji chang Bu guo hai guan
I’M CHECKING OUT Wo men yi qi qu dou feng
放松 天空 游梦 (放松 游梦 天空)
Fang song Tian kong You meng (Fang song You meng Tian kong)
Chou mei ku lian xiang dong xiang xi mei yong
Bu xing zhe yang xia qu wo chi zao hui fa feng
倒不如深呼吸抱着希望 相信……..
Dao bu ru shen hu xi bao zhe xi wang Xiang xin........
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
9:17 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
KONG PING (空瓶) by RUI EN (瑞恩)招蜂引蝶 假装不屑
Zhao feng yin die Jia zhuang bu xie
他花招百变 最喜欢乱抛眉眼
Ta hua zhao bai bian Zui xi huan luan pao mei yan
眼神拽拽 喜欢耍赖
Yan shen zhuai zhuai Xi huan shua lai
怎么有时候 反而鬼鬼祟祟出没
Zen me you shi hou Fan er gui gui sui sui chu mo
你以为我会沮丧吗 以为我疯掉吧
Ni yi wei wo hui ju sang ma Yi wei wo feng diao ba
我看你最好别想 你还是比较适合当 空瓶子
Wo kan ni zui hao bie xiang Ni hai shi bi jiao shi he dang Kong ping zi
你的手机 有好多秘密
Ni de shou ji You hao duo mi mi
最拿手的借口 就是我打不通oh-oh…..
Zui na shou de jie kou Jiu shi wo da bu tong oh-oh…..
你以为我会沮丧吗 以为我疯掉吧
Ni yi wei wo hui ju sang ma Yi wei wo feng diao ba
我看你最好别想 你还是比较适合当 空瓶子
Wo kan ni zui hao bie xiang Ni hai shi bi jiao shi he dang Kong ping zi
是我 承认也是我的错
Shi wo Cheng ren ye shi wo de cuo
爱上爱情而不是你 完美主意是我看太多电影
Ai shang ai qing er bu shi ni Wan mei zhu yi shi wo kan tai duo dian ying
是你 过时孟男的定义 你说专一是旧式品
Shi ni Guo shi meng nan de ding yi Ni shuo zhuan yi shi jiu shi pin
天真浪漫的错误 已罪不容诛
Tian zhen lang man de cuo wu Yi zui bu rong zhu
Hai shi fen bie zhao xing fu
你以为我会沮丧吗 以为我疯掉吧
Ni yi wei wo hui ju sang ma Yi wei wo feng diao ba
我看你最好别想 你还是比较适合当 空瓶
Wo kan ni zui hao bie xiang Ni hai shi bi jiao shi he dang Kong ping
Da….. 想太多头会爆炸 还是回去当 空瓶子
Da….. Xiang tai duo tou hui bao zha Hai shi hui qu dang Kong ping zi
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
5:35 PM
FEI XUAN (飞旋) by RUI EN (瑞恩)我喜欢下雨天 把烦恼放一边
Wo xi huan xia yu tian Ba fan nao fang yi bian
Huan xiang lao tian cai gang shi lian
脑里幻想私语 我挣扎不要听
Nao li huan xiang si yu Wo zheng zha bu yao ting
Ta men miao xie de bei guan qing jing
Tui fei xing wei wo zhui na shou wu li jie tuo
Ta yi zhi mo mo shou hou ke shi jin wan ta shuo
让我成为你的一双翅膀 带你天空中飞翔
Rang wo cheng wei ni de yi shuang chi bang Dai ni tian kong zhong fei xiang
飞旋飘扬 找一个天堂 让风吹走所有的忧伤
Fei xuan piao yang Zhao yi ge tian tang Rang feng chui zou suo you de you shang
让我成为你的一艘飞船 给你空间去幻想
Rang wo cheng wei ni de yi sou fei chuan Gei ni kong jian qu huan xiang
失去重心 向月球飞扬
Shi qu zhong xin Xiang yue qiu fei yang
闭上眼睛 Just Let Go…..
Bi shang yan jing Just Let Go…..
我被锁在这里 有时不禁怀疑
Wo bei suo zai zhe li You shi bu jin huai yi
Zhi you wo hai liu zai guo qu
这自创的监狱 让我无法抗拒
Zhe zi chuang de jian yu Rang wo wu fa kang ju
Zhi you ta neng gou shi fang wo
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
5:32 PM
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
CHUAN FAN (穿反) by RUI EN (瑞恩)憋着呼吸打扮 脑里都是幻想
Bie zhe hu xi da ban Nao li dou shi huan xiang
动作显得一点缓慢 为了要留下深刻印象
Dong zuo xian de yi dian huan man Wei le yao liu xia shen ke yin xiang
我走得一点喘 保持这个伪装
Wo zou de yi dian chuan Bao chi zhe ge wei zhuang
本以为自己好时尚 却感觉残酷般的眼光
Ben yi wei zi ji hao shi shang Que gan jue can ku ban de yan guang
原来衣服倒转穿 原来笑话闹了一场
Yuan lai yi fu dao zhuan chuan Yuan lai xiao hua nao le yi chang
Yi zhi nu li yan shi de que xian bei chai chuan
(Fang wei da luan)
穿反了我的心情 穿插着一点伤心
Chuan fan le wo de xin qing Chuan cha zhe yi dian shang xin
刺破了习惯戴上的面具 让我无法掩饰我的心
Ci po le xi guan dai shang de mian ju Rang wo wu fa yan shi wo de xin
Chuan yan le yi chang xi ju
传神地 让我几乎相信这梦境
Chuan shen de rang wo ji hu xiang xin zhe meng jing
Mao cong zhe ye hui chuan qi
不想再穿反 心情
Bu xiang zai chuan fan Xin qing
我走得一点喘 保持这个伪装
Wo zou de yi dian chuan Bao chi zhe ge wei zhuang
本以为自己好时尚 却感觉残酷般的眼光
Ben yi wei zi ji hao shi shang Que gan jue can ku ban de yan guang
原来衣服倒转穿 原来笑话闹了一场
Yuan lai yi fu dao zhuan chuan Yuan lai xiao hua nao le yi chang
Yi zhi nu li yan shi de que xian bei chai chuan
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
9:17 PM
FANG SHOU (放手) by RUI EN (瑞恩)我知道这是不对 太依靠结果心碎
Wo zhi dao zhe shi bu dui Tai yi kao jie guo xin sui
Ta men bu liao jie wo wei he xi huan shou zui
上瘾了他的存在 我累了还装愉快
Shang yin le ta de cun zai Wo lei le hai zhuang yu kuai
Shi bu shi hai pa yi ge ren wu fa wan mei
我终于放手释放一切痛 你不必开口
Wo zhong yu fang shou shi fang yi qie tong Ni bu bi kai kou
Wo guan ceng jing yong you wo fang kai shou
电话响彼此知道 是她打来
Dian hua xiang bi ci zhi dao Shi ta da lai
Ni mang zou kai sheng wo yi ge ren
Huan xiang zuo sui de can ren
我终于放手释放一切痛 你不必开口
Wo zhong yu fang shou shi fang yi qie tong Ni bu bi kai kou
我管曾经拥有 我放手 放手
Wo guan ceng jing yong you Wo fang shou Fang shou
我终于放手你不必开口 我管曾经拥有
Wo zhong yu fang shou ni bu bi kai kou Wo guan ceng jing yong you
我终于防守忧愁随着风 我管是否温柔
Wo zhong yu fang shou you chou sui zhe feng Wo guan shi fou wen rou
说再见不回头 不回头 不回头 不回头
Shuo zai jian bu hui tou Bu hui tou Bu hui tou Bu hui tou
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
9:12 PM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
GONG HE GUO(共和国) by RUI EN(瑞恩)
这一秒我爱你 下一刻就不理
Zhe yi miao wo ai ni xia yi ke jiu bu li
今天迷苍白色 明天嫌它太冷
Jin tian mi cang bai se ming tian xian ta tai leng
今年初我志愿 就是当太空人
Jin nian chu wo zhi yuan jiu shi dang tai kong ren
现在却有反感 无重力好可怕
Xian zai que you fan gan wu zhong li hao ke pa
我是谁啊 谁是我啊
Wo shi shui a shui shi wo a
好多个我 这共和国
Hao duo ge wo zhe gong he guo
内部挣扎 左右拉扯
Nei bu zheng zha zuo you la che
这就是我 这共和国
Zhe jiu shi wo zhe gong he guo
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
10:20 PM
So. Below is the lyrics to the song QING WA(青蛙) by RUI EN in her latest album. ENJOY! :)
QING WA(青蛙)我是一只小青蛙 躲在熟悉泥巴
Wo shi yi zhi xiao qing wa duo zai shu xi ni ba
他们说我太害怕 他们说我只会叫呱呱
Ta men shuo wo tai hai pa ta men shuo wo zhi hui jiao gua gua
信口开河 自我陶醉
Xin kou kai he zi wo tao zui
Wei he wo men zhe me zi bei
逃避现实 井底之蛙的伤痛你不了解
Tao bi xian shi jing di zhi wa de shang tong ni bu liao jie
Tiao yue tiao cao tiao qi tiao tiao zhe
试得我累了 还是跃不出井外
Shi de wo lei le hai shi yue bu chu jing wai
You dang you shou hao xian you you zhe
搞得我傻了 期望有得到缘分的一天
Gao de wo sha le qi wang you de dao yuan fen de yi tian
我是一只小青蛙 叫得PI LI PA LA
Wo shi yi zhi xiao qing wa jiao de PI LI PA LA
我说你才是傻瓜 好的东西永远被糟蹋
Wo shuo ni cai shi sha gua hao de dong xi yong yuan bei zao ta
希望 希望 为什么 为什么 跳着 跳着 跳着 缘分的一天Xi wang xi wang wei shen me wei shen me tiao zhe tiao zhe tiao zhe yuan fen de yi tian
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
10:12 PM
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Been lazy to blog. Will try to soon. But it'll be on the lyrics of RUI EN's latest album's, United States, songs. The chinese words AND hanyu pinyin. :)
I'll post at least 1 song lyrics by Saturday, I promise. But I've already done the lyrics for 慢舞(MAN WU) on the 15th November post. Til then, thank you for coming to my blog and read. Take care y'all! :D
Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
11:00 PM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Was bored. So I did a magazine cover with me on it. Hahah. Below is the pic. Enjoy! Busy with exams now. Will start blogging properly again after tomorrow. :D

Naomi Tan Dallee blogged at
5:57 PM